Saturday, August 29, 2009

Five Top Tips to Gain Weight and Build Muscle Fast

If you are still stuck on trying to gain weight for quick muscle gain, then read this guide. Here, you will find the most important tips about gaining weight to build muscle fast. These are not secrets, just the basic rules about muscle gain that you may have either never heard of or have forgotten about. If you chose not to follow these tips, then you might as well kiss your chances of building muscle goodbye. These are not suggestions for weight and muscle gain, these are requirements.
1. Eat a Lot
There's no secret strategy to this ladies and gentlemen, just eat. Now, keep in mind that this does not mean eat at fast food burger joint that you come across. What I mean by this is eat frequently, about three large meals and three snacks in between, and eat a bunch of healthy calories. Keeping your calorie intake high is essential for building muscle mass and gaining weight.
2. Eat Fats and Carbs
When i say eat fats, I do not mean eat McDonnalds and pork rinds every meal. You need to stay away from saturated and trans fats. The fats that you should eat can be found in olive oil, krill, oil, nuts, peanut butter, and avocados. Fat is a necessary nutrient to build muscle, as it boosts your testosterone level. Healthy carbs, like those found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, give you the energy stores that you need to exercise heavily.
3. Eat Proteins
The only way for your muscles to grow is to supply them with large amount of protein. After a workout, your muscles will try to repair themselves. If you feed you body good sources of protein, then your body will have the nutrients needed to build bigger and better muscles. The best type of protein for quick muscle gain is whey protein, since it can be digested quickly and used by your muscles efficiently. Since your muscles are also repairing throughout the day, it is a good idea to continue feeding your body with some protein with every meal.
4. Do Resistance Training
This includes free weights and body weights, such as dumbbells, barbells, squats, pull ups, push ups, and dips. intense weight training helps turn those extra calories into muscle mass. To build muscle fast, you will have to do hard reps, that employ compound exercises to workout many muscles at once.
5. Keep Focused
Truly significant weight gain is not visible for at least a few months for most people. Do not fret though and stay committed to muscle building plan. In order to build muscle fast, you need to keep at your exercises and calorie intake.
Now you have the necessary knowledge to gain muscle and weight quickly. Now go out there and commit to it!

Quick Muscle Gain Tips for Post-workout Meals

Since we have already covered pre-workout meals, let us move on to the post-workout meal. This meal is as equally important, if not more, for quick muscle gain. The time after a workout is the time when your muscles are most receptive to nutrients. If fed properly, your muscles can grow at an enormous rate. However, most people do not feed them the nutrients that they need. This results in almost no muscle gain. If you want to gain muscle fast, you will need to start eating nutritiously a lot more.

1. Anabolism
The way that muscles are built is through a process of catabolism followed by anabolism. During the catabolic stage, your muscles break down from the stress placed on them by the exercises, forming micro tears. Anabolism is the period of growth which your muscles undergo following catabolism. The trick is to reduce the catabolic stage and increase the effectiveness of the anabolic one. The anabolic period is also the time when the food that you consume goes straight to your muscles. When you consume the best nutrients, your muscles will grow larger.

2. Protein
As with the pre-workout, protein is a vital nutrient with which to build muscles. Without protein in your diet, your muscle will not grow. To ensure quick muscle gain, try to consume large amounts of protein immediately after exercising. The ideal time is below 30 minutes after exercising. If done properly, you can switch the catabolic process off and turn the anabolic stage on.

3. Carbs
After your workout, you will need to restore your body's energy with carbs. Once again, these need to be healthy complex carbs like those found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. However, they now serve a secondary purpose. Eating a good amount of carbs in your post-workout meal will cause your body's insulin level to rapidly rise. This is good, as the insulin spike creates a transportation system where the protein can reach the muscles more rapidly than before.

The post-workout meal should be eaten directly after a workout. The sooner the better. This meal should be filled with healthy calories that your body can use to feed your muscles. A good post-workout meal will ensure quick muscle gain.

Pre-workout Meal Tips to Gain Muscle Fast

If you want to gain muscle fast, you are going to need to start eating the rights kinds of food that help ensure muscle gain. Eating is as big a part of muscle building nutrition as the actual exercises. With the right kinds of foods, you will be able to work out harder and see you muscles grow much larger. The pre-workout meal is one of your most important throughout the day. Here are a few tips on what foods you should eat and how to eat them for quick muscle gain.

1. Eat between 1 and 1 1/2 hours Before the Workout
When planing on a workout, make sure that you are also planing your meals. These meals should be between 1 to 1/2 hours before you exercise. This ensures that the food will be digested before you workout, but the nutrients will keep on flowing into your muscles. The most important nutrient to have is protein.

2. Protein
This amino acid is the single most vital nutrient that your body needs to build muscle. Protein repairs your muscles when lifting weights creates micro tears. These tears are most efficiently and heavily repaired when they are provided with protein immediately. There are many kinds of protein to choose from and, thus, you should research how fast they release their nutrients when they are digested. For example, whey protein can be utilized as little as 30 minutes after consumption. However, eggs take about two hours to digest completely. Take the kinds of protein that you consumer into consideration before you exercise.

3. Carbs
Without energy, nothing can move. The sample principle applies to working out. Without the bodies source of energy, carbs, you will not be able to exercise. However, you should stay away from simple carbs. Instead, eat complex carbs like vegetables and whole grains. This will not have the adverse effect of causing you to become fat instead of built, unlike simple carbs.

4. Fats
Fats slow down your digestion process, causing the food that you eat to break down less rapidly. This is the opposite of what we want in a pre-workout meal. That being said, having some fat to boost your testosterone levels is beneficial. The healthy fats that help you gain muscle fast are omgea-3, found in fish, and omega-6, found in eggs, proteins, and whole grains. Thus, you will probably get a good amount of fat from the protein and carbs that you already consume.

Remember that your eating habits are just as important as your exercise routine. While you will only exercise for about 30 minutes a day, you will constantly be eating throughout the day. A good nutrition is the gateway to gain muscle fast.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quickest Way to Build Muscle Mass Through Flutuating Overload

While the principle behind progressive overload is true, eventually you would reach a stopping point. It is impossible to continuously add weight, reps, or sets to your muscle building routine. Instead, the quickest way to build muscle mass is to incorporate fluctuating progressive overload. This not only overcomes the practical limitations of progressive overload but, also, facilitates greater muscle growth.

With progressive overload, you eventually reach a point where adding more weight becomes absurd. If you were too keep adding five extra pounds every week to your muscle building routine, you would eventually get to absurdly high amount in a few months. This same idea is true for adding sets and repetitions, as well. However, the way to overcome this obstacle is to use fluctuating progressive overload.

Another name for fluctuating progressive overload is non-monotonic training. A workout routine using only progressive overload is called monotonic training, which involves continuous increases in stress while no decrease at all. Rather, non-monotonic training includes lifting smaller amounts of resistance periodically. The weeks that you place less stress onto your muscles gives your body a chance to repair them while also keeping them working.

Picture yourself on a muscle building workout routine. You train for five weeks, increasing the weight by five pounds every week. While you are getting stronger, the weight is becoming harder and harder to maintain. If you were to incorporate fluctuating progressive overload into your routine, you would take a week off by training with half of the number of sets. This decrease ins stress is actually the quickest way to build muscle mass. This rest period allows you muscles to grow, since they had previously been under almost constant stress.

Fluctuating progressive overload is the best way to gain muscle quickly and easily. You can include this principle with any muscle building exercise that you do. All that you need to do is get out there and start using it!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Use Progressive Overload to Build Muscle Mass Quick

Are you looking to gain a significant amount of muscle mass in a short period of time? Well in order to do so, there are certain principles that athletes all over the world use to bulk up. Here we will talk about the idea of progressive overload. Basically, progressive overload involves adding a difficulty to your workouts every so often. This help you build muscle mass quick because it forces your muscles to constantly rebuild itself to compensate for more stress. Below are three methods in which you can use progressive overload.

1. Add weight
When you add weight to every exercise, you add resistance on your muscles. Try to increase the size of your weights by five pounds or five percent of your previous workout. Note that for progressive overload to work, you will need to exercise at your threshold. This means that you should make every workout more intense than the last. Otherwise, your muscles will not be utilized to their fullest extent and will not gain muscle mass.

2. Add reps
This method involves you adding more reps per set every workout. You will be forcing your muscles to work harder every time that you exercise, which is what you need to build muscle mass quick. However, here are some flaws with this principle. It is hard to sustain the added amount of intensity after some time and doing many reps can actually hurt your ability to gain muscle. The perfect amount of sets ranges from six to twelve, depending on the weight that you are using. This is proven to be the best number to stimulate muscle growth.

3. Add sets
Some trainers try to increase the intensity of their workouts by adding volume. They eventually run into the same problem as those that add too many reps. You cannot infinitely add that kind of stress onto your body. While increasing the number of sets slightly after a while will be beneficial, adding an extra set every time that you workout will be impossible to do.

As you can see, the best method to build muscle fast is to add weight. That is not to say, however, that the other two methods should be counted out. They can all be used in harmony with one another so that you can slightly increase the resistance on your muscles every workout. With a program that entails these principles, muscle gain should come very easily to you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Four Steps to Gain Muscle Mass Quick

Have you been following a muscle building program but have yet to see any significant results? Unfortunately, many people are ignorant of even the most basic of muscle building principles. There are only a few and they are easy and simple to follow. Below are four of the most essential tips on how to gain muscle mass quick. It is much simpler than you may have thought.

1. Protein
Your muscles will only repair themselves if your body is fed with a good amount of protein. Try to add some protein to every meal of your day. Post workout meals MUST include protein. The best source of protein is whey, as it is most efficiently absorbed by your muscles. Protein bars and drinks are good snacks to have throughout the day. Remember that you also have to consume a lot of healthy calories. Breakfast should always be eaten, as it provides you with energy that you will need for the rest of the day. Good carbs, such as whole grains, and eggs are a perfect choice for breakfast. You should also eat about six small meals a day. This will keep your metabolism running, allowing you to exert energy throughout the day and burn unwanted fat, as well.

2. Free Weights
Free weights include exercises with dumbbells and barbells. These workouts apply immense amounts of pressure onto your muscles, creating micro tears which repair to make bigger and stringer muscles. Over time, change your exercises so that your muscles are always challenged with heavier and more stressful weights. Stay away from machines for the time being, as they solely focus on an isolated muscle, whereas you can perform multiple joint exercises with free weights.

3. Body Weights
The best body weights are push ups, pull ups, crunches, and squats. While these do not allow you to gain muscle mass quick like free weights, they are a good addition to your workout routine, since they can workout any muscles that you may have missed with free weights, and help increase muscle endurance.

4. Rest
Note that your muscles only grow when they are at rest. You only need to strength train about three times a week to gain muscle mass quick. Working out every day will not allow your muscles to repair themselves, thus making your muscles susceptible to injuries.

These tips are simple yet very effective. Any professional body builder will tell you that these are essential for muscle building. Now is the time to get up and start to put these tips to test.

How to Avoid Injury When Building Muscle Quickly

With something such as muscle building, humans are naturally impatient to see results. Many will take the unfortunately path of trying to find a shortcut or lift weights with like a professional body builder. These are not only ineffective but can cause serious harm to your body. If you wish to continue building muscle quickly, then I recommend that you take the warnings in this guide seriously.

1. Do NOT Overdo Your Workouts
Beginners are often tempted to start lifting heavy weights immediately. This usually occurs due to peer pressure or trying to imitate the body builders men and women see in magazines. Lifting heavy weights on a daily routine when your muscles are not used to it can cause injury. Instead, start slowly with lighter weights and eventually work your way up. This is the best method for building muscle quickly

2. NEVER Take Steroids
Anabolic steroids can build muscle mass quickly but they are simply not worth the risk. There are many detrimental and even life threatening side effects that come with taking steroids. Remember that these things can kill you.

3. STOP if you Feel Pain
While working out with weights, it is natural for your muscles to feel sore and discomforted. However, if you feel pain, you must stop exercises immediately. The feeling of pain means that there is injury. By trying to work out with pain, you cause more harm to your muscles than good. You should seek medical attention if the pain continues and do not resume until the muscle has had a chance to heal and repair itself.

4. DO use a Spotter
It is always a good idea to have a friend come along to exercise with you. Not only does he or she provide emotional support but they can also be used to prevent injury. Do not think that using a spotter while bench pressing is cowardly. Professional body builders even use spotters.

Remember to always use caution before you start exercising. Injury will postpone, and even stop completely, your goal to gain muscle. A smart athlete is a fit athlete.

Using Free Weights for Quick Muscle Gain

There are three types of apparatuses that you can use to build muscle mass. They are body weights, machines, and free weights. The best of these three are free weights. This is because there are an almost infinite variety of exercises that you can do with barbells and dumbbells. Machines force your muscles to move through an unnatural plane of motion. Bodyweights are good to begin with but soon do not provide the necessary weight needed to build more muscle mass. There are many reasons that free weights are preferred by many over machines for quick muscle gain but here are for major examples.

Strengthens Your Stabilizer Muscles
Machines balance the weight for you. Not only does this occurrence never happen in a real situation but it also fails to exercise your stabilizer muscles. These muscles help you balance weight and also aid in the strength of your major muscle groups. Free weights, on the other hand, forces you to balance the weights, stimulating the most muscle fibers for quick muscle gain.

Multi Jointed Exercises
These workouts strengthen multiple muscle groups. They can work your entire body, building muscle mass all over. Remember that most movements requires multiple muscles, not just one isolated section. Machines, however, fail to work multiple muscles at once and, instead, focus on an isolated muscle area.

Do Difficult Exercises
A good and challenging workout should be done with weight where you can achieve seven to ten reps before your muscles tire. As you perform more workouts, you muscles will become used to the old exercises and will no longer gain mass. In order to counteract this, you need to add weight to make the workouts more challenging.

Do not Strain Your Body
Do not push your muscles to the point of over exhaustion. When they begin to fill up with lactic acid, added strain can cause serious injury. If you feel a pain in your muscles, stop your exercise immediately. Do not forget that your muscles only gain mass when they are rested. In fact, you only need to exercise three times a week for quick muscle gain.

There are an endless combination of free weight exercises that you can choose from. Examine the best workout for you and start doing it! Quick muscle gain is right around the corner. All you have to do is apply some dedication.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Three Myths of Quick Muscle Gain

Three Myths of Quick Muscle Gain

Fitness and muscle building advice can be found everywhere on the Internet nowadays. It is difficult to differentiate from experts and those who just want to market a product. Since muscle building is a multibillion dollar industry, many fitness writers will try to market you some new powder, exercise machine, or program. It is essential that you know how to weed out the truth from the lies. Below are three exercise myths that you should avoid if you want quick muscle gain.

1. Exercise Until You Feel the Burn
Many coaches and trainers push you to work your hardest each set to the point that your muscle feel as if they are burning. This burning sensation is caused from lactic acid building up in your muscle tissue. However, this burn is actually an evolutionary tool used to tell your body that your muscles should not be under this kind of stress. When lactic acid builds up, you can get injured very easily. The way to avoid lactic acid is to keep your reps low, between six and nine. The only time that you should go until you feel the burn is your last set, when you push your muscles to failure.

2. Textbook Perfect Form is Required for Every Rep
Obsessing over the exact position of a certain exercise can do more harm than good. First of all, it can force your muscles to become rigid, increasing the possibility of injury and hindering muscle growth. Additionally, performing a certain motion may be unnatural to your body. You want to keep your body loose and have your muscles move in a natural motion. If a slight variation in an exercise is more natural for you, then go ahead and do it. That being said, you should not sacrifice perfect form for an easier exercise.

3. Muscle Gain Will Slow Down Your Movements
Many people get the motion the quick muscle gain will hinder their body movements from seeing bulky body builders from the 70's and 80's. This could not be further from the truth. The more muscle you have, the more force you can exert. Remember that muscle gain does not necessarily mean building big clunky muscles. With stronger muscles and the ability to apply more force, the quicker that muscle can move.

Keep away from these ideas and you should not have a problem building muscle mass quickly. Note that low numbers of intense reps, natural motions, and determination are the keys to muscle building success.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Three Notes on How to Gain Muscle Mass Quick

Quick muscle gain is not necessarily rocket science. The method to pack on large amounts of muscle is actually fairly simple. As long as you have the dedication to stick to your program, you should have no trouble putting on muscle mass. Below are some of the most important tips on how to gain muscle mass quick.

1. Use Heavy Weights

Using large weights require less reps. These put much more stress onto your muscles than training with lighter weights and more reps. This is very intense for your muscles and force your body to repair your muscles with more protein, making them bigger.

2. Eat More

Packing on muscle mass requires you to eat much more food and consume large amounts of calories. After working out, you body uses the calories to repair your muscles. The most important foods that you should consume are proteins and fats. Proteins repair the micro tears in your muscles and fat testosterone levels. Good sources of proteins are found in whey, nuts, and meat. As for fat, stay away from saturated fats. The fatty acids that are beneficial to your nutrition can be found in fish oil and peanut butter. Note that the calories that you eat should be from whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and good proteins.

3. Rest

Your muscles only repair themselves when you are resting. A goodnights sleep is essential to muscle gain, as this is the time of day optimal for muscle repair. Drinking lots of water keeps you hydrated and stimulates muscle repair. Additionally, you should eat about six meals a day, to keep your metabolism working and burning more calories for energy and muscle gain.

As you can see, the rules of how to gain muscle mass quick are easy to follow. All it requires is for you to get up, start exercising, and eat lots of healthy foods. This simple guide can work for anyone, even you.

Best Tips for the Quickest Way to Gain Muscle

How would you like to put some muscle mass on that skinny and scrawny body of yours? Well it's much easier than you think. The quickest way to gain muscle does not include workout for hours on end and committing to a strict diet. The truth of the matter is that muscle gain is all about eating a lot of food, doing your exercises correctly, and pushing yourself to do your best. Anyone can build up muscle, all it takes are the steps in this guide and dedication.

Having the Right Diet

When I say that you need to eat properly, I do not mean that you need a strictly regimented diet laid out for every meal that you cannot deviate from. Having the right diet means knowing what kinds of food to eat and when. The best foods to help you gain muscle mass are proteins, fats, and carbs. Proteins repair your muscles after working out, fats store the calories that you need to support muscle gain, and carbs give the body energy for exercising. These foods should be whole foods like whey protein, fruits, vegetables, oats, fish oil, and whole grains. Also keep in mind that you need to eat more to gain more muscle mass. To do this, eat often with foods full of healthy and useful calories.

Keep a Log

By monitoring your progress, you will be able to note how much weight you should use and how many reps you can do. Having a log is also useful to make note of when you should increase the intensity of your exercises. This is also a great motivator to get you to exercise harder and longer with every workout session. Remember that dedication to building muscles is half the battle.

Perfect Form

For the quickest way to gain muscle, you will need to workout many muscles at once. This means doing compound exercises such as pull ups, push ups, and squats which work multiple muscles. However, you will need to have perfect form when doing these exercises. Perfect form requires you balance your weight properly and allows your muscles to go through a full range of motion, both of which build functional strength. Do not rush your workouts, as this is not only less effective but also dangerous. Slow and steady is the way to go.

While this is not a comprehensive guide, it should be enough for anyone to learn the basics of the building muscle. Lots of healthy calories, perfect form, and the drive to do better are all that you need to start building those toned and sexy muscles that you have always wanted.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Three Tips to Keep in Mind to Build Muscle Mass Quick

Are you looking for a simple and easy to follow method to build muscles? Well this guide will how you how you can go from skinny to sexy with three basic rules to build muscle mass quick.

1. Intensity
Do high intensity workouts. This will make sure your exercise your muscles to their fullest extent. Do six to nine reps a set for the best results. Since these exercises will work your muscles even faster, you do not have to workout for as long. A great workout can be only 10 minutes of intense exercises. Keep in mind that you need perfect form to do a high intensity exercise. Otherwise, you wont get the full effects of the workout.

2. Exercises involving multiple muscles
Isolated muscle exercises do nothing to build overall muscle mass. If you want to build muscle quick, then you should do compound muscle workouts, such as pull ups, push ups, and squats. They work multiple muscles at once. This way, only a few good reps will be needed to get a full body workout.

3. Change exercises every few weeks
When your body does the same exercises over and over again, it build a resistance to them. They way to make sure your muscles are always being worked to their fullest is to add weight and change your workouts every so often.

This may seem very simple but it is also very effective. Building muscle mass quick is not a complicated process. All it takes is a little bit of dedication.

Four Rules to Gain Muscle Mass Quick

If you're a skinny guy who's looking to put on some muscle mass, this is the guide for you! Many people are often disappointed with their workouts, as they fail to build any notable muscle. However, do not feel discouraged. Even someone who seems to always stay scrawny and small can gain muscle mass quick. Here are a few simple yet effective rules that you should follow for maximum muscle gain.

1. Keep your reps low
The optimal number of rep that you should do per set is from seven to ten. This allows you to do more sets, exercising more muscles later in your workout. In addition, your muscles will not be damaged as easily as they would be if you tired to do 20 fight off the bat. It should be noted though that your last set should go to failure, meaning do as many reps as you can until your muscles give out. THis will push your muscles to their limit, forcing your body to repair them even more.

2. Do intense sets
Keep your exercises intense. The more stress put onto your muscles, the bigger they will get. By doing high intensity exercises, you can also keep your workout time to a minimum. This means that you can get a perfect and efficient workout in just 15 minutes with intense reps. Do not overdo the number of sets. This could put your muscles at risk of injury. Also, you must have perfect form for your exercises. This will allow you to gain muscle mass quick.

3. Add on more weight every two weeks
Keep track of your progress. After a while, your body will become used to the same repetitive exercises. Eventually you will see that it will be harder to build muscle mass. In order to prevent this from happening, you should add some weight to your reps or change your exercises so they work different muscles and the same muscles more intensely.

4. Don't so isolated sets
Compound exercises allow you to work more muscles in less time. This is what you need if you want to go from skinny to built in a short amount of time. More muscles being exercised mean more muscles to show off later.

Just follow these easy to follow guidelines and you can gain muscle mass quick. That strong and sexy body that you have always dreamed of is right around the corner!

Build Muscle Fast -- 5 of the Best Ways to Build Muscle Very Quickly

Want to build muscle fast and get a great looking body? Then you should definitely read this article! Below I'll show you 5 of the best tips for increasing muscle mass quickly and in a healthy way.

5 of the Best Ways to Build Muscle Fast

1. Do big multi-joint strength exercises

The best exercises for packing on muscle are big multi-joint exercises, sometimes called compound exercises. They're much more effective than small isolation movements. Some good examples of big exercises are pushups, dips, pullups, bench press, back squats, deadlifts.

2. Do intense workouts 3 to 4 times per week

Intensity is more important than volume when trying to build muscle and gain weight quickly. High intensity exercises force your body to get stronger and pack on muscle. Always keep your workouts to under 60 minutes in order to keep from overtraining and to keep the intensity high. Workout no more than 4 times a week. Try doing superset combinations to increase intensity.

3. Eat lots of quality whole foods

Quality natural food is the best thing to eat for gaining muscle rapidly. Eat plenty of meats, quality carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Chicken, beef, eggs, and fish are good sources of quality protein.

4.Eat whey protein

Whey protein powder is probably the best supplement you can take for packing on lean muscle mass. Your body can use the protein in whey very easily. It's especially effective if you take it right after doing a weight workout. It's more easily digestible than meat, which makes it easier to boost your protein intake.

5. Get plenty of sleep

The human body repairs itself (and especially its muscles) during sleep. So if you're not getting enough sleep/rest you're not going to put on a lot of muscle. Also, sleep is vital for energy. The more energy you have, the harder you'll be able to workout and the more effective your muscle-building workouts will be!

Now you know 5 of the best ways to build muscle fast. All you have to do is get out there and work at it!

Six Tips to Gain Muscle Quick

Want to look like a body builder? Well if you have been following the tips in body building magazines, then you probably haven't achieved much success. The way that body builders train is not the way a normal person should. This guide will outline the best and most efficient way for someone like you to build muscle mass.

1. Build strength
In order to gain muscle mass, you will need to build your functional strength. THe best workouts for this are free weights and body weights. Machines constrict your muscles and force them into an unnatural position. With free weights and body weights however, your muscles will move in a natural motion. When doing these exercises, you should use proper technique. Going through a full range of motion will work the entire muscle.

2. Compound exercises
Body builders are able to do isolated muscle exercises because they already have large amounts of muscle all over their bodies. They did not start that way. Instead, they began with compound exercises and you should too. These include, push ups, pull up, and squats. The work multiple muscle groups and are much more efficient for building overall muscle mass.

3. Recovery
Sleep is a very important part of gaining muscle quick. Your body repairs itself during the night, especially its muscles. Additionally, only workout three times a week to begin with. Otherwise, you muscles will tire easily and the constraint strain will not allow them to repair properly. Eating is essential o building bigger muscles. More food equals more muscles.

4. Right foods
The best foods to eat while trying to get bigger and better muscles are whole foods, such as fruits, veggies, and proteins. These help repair your muscles and also ensure overall nutrition for your body.

5. Gain weight
Basically, eat a lot. However don't eat junk foods. Eat tons of meat and other foods filled with healthy proteins. You need to eat breakfast every morning and post workout. In addition, you should try to eat every three hours.

6. Protein
Protein is the most essential ingredient to gain muscle quick. Whey is the best form of protein, as it is used most efficiently by your body than any other form of protein. Consume whey protein after every workout.

With this guide, you should now be able to turn that skinny and flabby body into a jacked and toned machine. The plan is simple and does not take much effort. Just exercise right and eat a lot of healthy foods. That's all!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Welcome to the Quick Muscle Gain Blog

If you are looking for quick muscle gain tips, then you are at the right spot. Thank you for visiting and welcome to my blog. In this blog, I will be showing you the various methods and techniques to build muscle easily and in a fast, healthy way.

To get started, here are some useful links for building muscle fast:

Weight Gain Tips from MIT

Quick Muscle Gain Tips

Tips to Gain Muscle Fast